The Promise and Its Appointed Time

I called out, He answered. And for a thousand times over, He has been and always will be. Being a woman, I am highly affirmative-God knows this so well about me. Even in the many voices I hear inside my head, I still long for the voice that resonates in my soul. A voice that…


A poem for someone who’s crushed… He was pouring out something in me.I never thought in my weakness, it’s His strength that will flow like waters endlessly.I had to ask Him, “Jesus, what was that for?”He answered, “I will renew your strength like never before.” Yes, It was so foolish to say that I made…

The Promised Purpose

Noise. A lot of noise. That’s what distracted me the most. From my focus. From my solitude. From my peace. This is not a kind of noise I hear from tangible loud places but the kind of noise I hear from my own thoughts. These are my insecurities, doubts and anxieties about “what could’ve been”…

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