The Promise and Its Appointed Time

I called out, He answered. And for a thousand times over, He has been and always will be.

Being a woman, I am highly affirmative-God knows this so well about me. Even in the many voices I hear inside my head, I still long for the voice that resonates in my soul. A voice that became a place where I rest my heart knowing that I am fully secured and loved. A place where I wouldn’t look for anything else but His presence. Only His love. Sometimes it’s hard for me to find Him, in other times it’s as easy as how the clock ticks for each following second. And, it is completely okay. God allows different seasons in our walk with Him to show us His glory, may it be far from Him or close to Him. There might be a season where we feel isolated however never forgotten. Rejected but not devalued. Lost but is always in a safe place where we can fully be ourselves in imperfection and not kept scored for performance. We have this assurance, thusly, that He will show us His face once again as we continue to seek. We just have to wait, be patient and be still. In the moment we encounter His presence again, we would become in awe of His glory once more. That’s how He works. From glory to glory.

Places we come from have a purpose for our next journey. Along with it, we have wounds that heal gradually and will transform us with a deeper understanding of how we steward ourselves and our ministry for healing. The more we see ourselves heal, the more we gain wisdom and revelation of God’s promises which becomes a portal of hope for other’s healing too. Releasing God’s truth breaks a lot of barriers in the process. It penetrates darkness as darkness is elusive to light.

On my previous blog, I have shared the greatest setback that led me to a deeper understanding of God’s purpose in my season. My wilderness happened to be a glorious moment for me to transform into a woman that God wants me to be before the promise came. A woman that would trust her true source of strength as she waits and cling to her ultimate lover who’s holding her still in times of uncertainties. I’ve seen things I’ve never seen before, appreciated what God can do in my singleness and learned how to surrender in His perfect timing. My surrender gave me so much peace. I became more rested despite hustling with my life full of events. From work hustle, to church life, to volunteering and to unica hija responsibilities at home, I’ve found myself at my best state having all the energy and being ecstatic for more of co-laboring with God. It’s flown unexpectedly, swiftly and it’s a whole lot different from the other seasons that I was in. People that surrounded me imparted so much to me. Assignments became more purposeful. Visions and revelations became clearer and secured me than it ever did before. Each of these were placed like it was meant to prepare me for something that’s coming. Though I was excited and expectant, I enjoyed where God has put me in. I was in so much joy of the every moment of “now” as growth should be consistently at work in the present to reach the potential bearing of the future.

I recognized that it was the promise when it came at the most productive season in my life with God. I wasn’t distracted from my focus at all. I never compromised anything that would keep me falling back to the very reason why I lost my value in the past. I didn’t fully accept how worthy I am of His love and grace way back simply because my identity depended on how people treated me. I kept on settling for something that is far off from the definition of God’s love. But because of God’s constant pursuit of me, I was able to see what I really deserve and appreciated being protected from things I didn’t. I love being loved fully. I stayed my focus on Him as He started to reveal His heart for me. I became closer to God. I was healed and made whole once again knowing what my true identity really is.

The promise was a long 7 years in the making. The process wasn’t that easy but it was reassuring me that I would eventually get there. How fulfilling and satisfying when God speaks in the process even when things haven’t happened yet. Listening to Him was the only thing I never regret despite the setbacks I faced through the years even if I had to pay the price by letting go of my own desires. I saw God in every moment when it finally came. He was the reason why I had to wait. The purpose of waiting for Him unfolded moment by moment, slowly but surely. It was like being sung with a lullaby through God’s words and being on cloud 9. All the whys were answered and there was no single answer that didn’t fill in my inmost being. God just wanted to give me the best. The one that resembles His heart. The one He uses as an instrument to fulfill His purpose in every season of my life. The one that gracefully values and pursues me like how He did. I knew it was God’s satisfying YES.

It was only the start of a constant reminder that in any circumstance, God’s timing is beautiful. You don’t need to take control over things you desire and set your own timeline for it. You just flow in God’s abiding love even if some things get confusing ‘cause you get secured in what He is doing for you behind what you can only see and comprehend. He shows you how worthy it is for you to let Him intervene as He is the author of your story. He knows. He reveals. He takes His time and unfolds things right before your eyes when you are truly ready. You would sometimes be so full of yourself thinking that you are. But hey, He is faithful that you would trust Him in His own process and timeline. He even waits for the beautiful surrender of your heart ‘cause to Him it is a treasure at the end of the rainbow. A treasure that only Him can open. A treasure where He stores His love for you and just in time that you will meet the promise, an outpouring will take place. It is His appointed time of releasing you for your pre-destined purpose as He knows it is now Him that you hold most in your heart. That He matters to you more than that promise. He had you first. He loved you first before it came. Yet every little beautiful detail of it is especially made for you ‘cause that’s how He loves. Incomprehensible but comforting as everything unfolds in His beautiful and perfect time.

I, a witness of God’s faithfulness in His promise, is in great joy of sharing my journey with you. Be encouraged with these that in what ever promise He wants you to hold on to, you will see it’s beauty even if how long it takes:

He has made everything beautiful in His time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

The Lord’s covenant be with you. Shalom!

Published by Joy is Found.

Hi. My friends call me Mhelly but on my 29th birthday, I've decided to allow people to call me with my second name "Joy" as I grow more in love walking with Jesus. I am the Joy of the Lord. This is my last year of being on my 20's so I thought it would be nice to write about my mid-life reflections as I go through setbacks and comebacks. I hope I can minister through your reading. Shalom, my friend.

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